Lee Farnsworth Agency

Strategies and Stories


Lee Farnsworth Agency

Strategies and Stories

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Leadership Perspectives report here’

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Stories form the framework and structure through which humans sort, understand, relate and file experience into memory


Roger C Schank

For almost twenty years I held strategic marketing and general management roles for pharmaceutical and medical device companies. While all of that was going on, I was also secretly writing.

In 2013, I kissed Allergan goodbye, started LFA and got to work on Odd Bird, my first novel.

Over the last eight years I have supported more than twenty pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. And in October 2020 Odd Bird was published by Farrago.

While writing Odd Bird, I came to realise that storytelling is a key leadership capability. I am convinced that leaders need to learn to tell good stories in order to communicate strategy effectively and to drive change.  Like Howard Gardner said, Stories are the most valuable tool in a leader’s toolkit.

LFA combines my pharma leadership experience and my passion for words and stories in a way that helps my clients drive performance of their teams and brands.

For almost twenty years I held strategic marketing and general management roles for pharmaceutical and medical device companies. While all of that was going on, I was also secretly writing.

In 2013, I kissed Allergan goodbye, started LFA and got to work on Odd Bird, my first novel.

Over the last eight years I have supported more than twenty pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. And in October 2020 Odd Bird was published by Farrago.

While writing Odd Bird, I came to realise that realise that storytelling is a key leadership capability. I am convinced that leaders need to learn to tell good stories in order to communicate strategy effectively and to drive change.  Like Howard Gardner said, Stories are the most valuable tool in a leader’s toolkit.

LFA combines my pharma leadership experience and my passion for words and stories in a way that helps my clients drive performance of their teams and brands.




1. strategy


Brand Strategy development

Brand plan facilitation

Mission, Vision and Values

Positioning and messaging


War games




2. Stories and speaking


Speech writing

Script writing (e.g. for videos)

Presentation writing

Communications campaigns

Workshop facilitation

Conference Production

Speaking and keynotes

3. Skills training


Pharma brand strategy and planning

Pharmaceutical marketing

Leadership storytelling

Presentation skills

Communication skills

Influencing skills

1. strategy

Brand Strategy development

Brand plan facilitation

Mission, Vision and Values

Positioning and messaging


War games

2. Stories and speaking


Speech writing

Script writing (e.g. for videos)

Presentation writing

Communications campaigns

Workshop facilitation

Conference Production

Speaking and keynotes

3. Skills training


Pharma brand strategy and planning

Pharmaceutical marketing

Leadership storytelling

Presentation skills

Communication skills

Influencing skills


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Story: a reliable mode of transport

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Story: a reliable mode of transport

I recently met up with an old friend that I hadn’t seem for a couple of years. We spent five years working for the same organisation and for a good chunk of that time we saw each other on an almost daily basis. Despite the fact that I christened him with one of those...

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If I’m not writing there is a good chance I will be reading. Of the business books I have read along the way, there are a few which have heavily influenced my approach and my work.

Here, I give each of them the credit they deserve in precisely 100 words.



If I’m not writing there is a good chance I will be reading. Of the business books I have read along the way, there are a few which have heavily influenced my approach and my work.

Here, I give each of them the credit they deserve in precisely 100 words.



References available upon request.



References available upon request.

lee farnsworth agency


Cedar Chase



01628 628 478


07789 791 122